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Thursday, March 8, 2018

A Questionnaire Brings More Friends To Your Facebook Page

A Facebook Page With A Questionnaire Is Popular

Are you one of those people who got a Facebook page and thought their life would change? But then it didn’t because no one is responding to your posts? You are not alone. There are many other Facebook users just like you who post activities, interests and photos on their sites and no one responds. But there is one thing that they (and you) don’t have. It’s a questionnaire. And everyone loves questionnaires.

A Questionnaire Brings More Friends To Your Facebook Page
People Love To Answer A Questionnaire About Themselves 
The most popular sites on Facebook all have a questionnaire posted on them. For some odd reason, people who live false lives on the internet love to answer questions about their perpetually disingenuous cyber personas. If someone sees a personal quiz on the internet, they are compelled to answer it; especially if it has a racy title. However, in order to take your quiz - they have to be your friend - and this is how you get them.

To get started with a quiz for your Facebook page, all you need is a free quiz template from one of the hundreds of companies that offer them.  What the template does is put a teaser on your profile, which directs your social victims to a form where they fill out the quiz.  It records their answers and then gives them the results. They are now linked to your page, so not only can you read their super secret answers, you can also count them as your new best friends forever. Lucky them.

On top of this, they can link you to all of their friends, who can then invite all of other their friends to take the quiz. Potentially, your Facebook page can become a frenzy of self-centered people who are just dying to tell you their deepest and darkest fake secrets in order to get the verdict from the all knowing quiz master. At this point, it’s time to invest in a stats tracker so you can count all of your newfound cyber friends.

The Logic Of The Quiz

People are fascinated by personal quizzes because each quiz promises to draw a conclusion about a person based on their responses. People with very low mentalities (like many people you want to friend on Facebook) feel like they will get some special insight into themselves by answering a few unscientific questions posed by a stranger on the internet. This is as opposed to going to a therapist where they will learn the truth about themselves and have to face it in person.

So when they see a questionnaire entitled, “Are you sexy?” they just have to find out if it is true or not.  The suspense of finding out from a Facebook page if they are sexy or not is too much temptation. Other good titles to lure people into your web of self-doubt are, “Does He Like You?”, “Are You Happy?”, and “Are You A Genius?” Of course, all of the questions and conclusions are already written for you, but there are blank quizzes as well.

Blank questionnaires allow you to make up the answers and conclusions for the entire quiz. For example, it could be really fun to enter all of the conclusions as “This Quiz Determines That You Are Criminally Insane!” or something like that; but a sincere person like you wouldn’t do that. However, you can have fun with customizing a blank questionnaire (or using an existing questionnaire template) and get many new friends and followers in the process.

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