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As a digital advertising copywriter of ten years, I have written thousands of pages of content; including web pages, articles, press releases, books, blog posts, advertising copy, product reviews, and product descriptions. These pages are a sample of my work.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

How To Improve Your Chances Of Getting A Scholarship To An Art School

How To Improve Your Chances Of Getting A Scholarship To An Art School
Art School Scholarships Require Some Additional Planning
The competition to get into art school is stiff and the chances of getting a scholarship if you are not prepared are slim. However, if you are willing to go up against the competition and prepare ahead of time, you will not only make the cut to get into art school but you may also receive a scholarship. Usually, art school scholarships are based on a reduced tuition due to the potential promise of the student, and may also involve a student work program. But this is a minor sacrifice to make if you are truly interested in becoming a professional artist.

To get started looking for an art school scholarship, you need to decide on an art medium that may be something like sculpture, painting, pottery, photography, weaving, or other mediums where you feel that you have a gift. If you are in high school, make sure to take art classes to find your talent. If you have already graduated high school, talk to someone at the local community college to point you in the right direction for art classes to get you started. Taking one art class at the local college won't set you back too far financially, and you may even get financial aide if you enroll full-time.

Once you have an art medium that you excel at, you will find that there are arts organizations and schools that offer specific scholarships to promote these arts and then you can begin applying to them for tuition costs. This includes state and federal government grants, professional art organizations, and private donors who sponsor foundations that support the creation of art.

It is important to focus on one art discipline if you want an art scholarship. 

For example, don't try to become a painter, and then switch to pottery, and then in the final hour figure out that you like photography. Scholarship committees recognize last minute work and won't hand out a scholarship to an artist who has not fully reached a place where they can perfect their work with a higher education.

Submit your scholarship application to art school early. 

Make sure that it is fully filled out and focused with a mission statement that will make the scholarship committee take notice. As well, remember that many scholarships for art don't pay for your whole tuition like academic scholarships do. An art scholarship may only pay part of your tuition; so make sure that you have alternative means of financing like student loans if you need them to finish your education.

See also:

Thursday, April 26, 2018

What You Need to Know About College Grants

What You Need to Know About College Grants
Don't Let Lack Of College Grants Keep You From Going
When you don't have money for college, can't get a scholarship, and don't want to repay back student loans; you may want to look at grants for college. 

Grants are money that can pay for tuition, books, or housing; but unlike loans, they don't have to be paid back.

Of course, you will have to satisfy the financial requirements and the academic requirements in order to get a grant for college. And you may also have to follow a particular course of study to get grant money for college as well.

But don't despair.

Grants for college are much more plentiful than you might think.

You just have to do some research to make sure that you fit the criteria. Usually grants for college are awarded to those students with financial needs who would never be able to afford a college or university education. However, there are also college grants for students who have shown exceptional achievement in one specific field like science or the arts. Or, who come from a particular region or background. And while grants for financially challenged students are usually given by a government entity, arts and science scholarships are generally awarded by private foundations.

In any case, it is important to be focused and be ready to supply any information or materials that are needed by the deadline that grant applications must be handed in to the organization awarding the grant money for your studies. If not, your application will be automatically denied.

This is why it is important to be organized when you apply for college and also when you apply for grants to fund your education.  If not, your only way to fund your undergraduate education may be through student loans, which are hard to pay back because they accrue interest and other charges.  But as long as you keep your grades up, grant money for college is yours and does not have to be paid back.

So it is in your best interest to track down as much grant money as you can once a college accepts you as a student.

See also:

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Don't Drop Out of College When You Can Get a Grant

Don't Drop Out of College When You Can Get a Grant
College Is Expensive, But It Is Worth It
College enrollment isn't like it used to be. This is because colleges and universities require that so many financial criteria be fulfilled before they will admit any student. This may include a credit check and tuition paid upfront before a university will let someone enroll.  This kind of financial verification doesn't have so much to do with grades as it has to do with a family's ability to pay for a full four years of tuition. 

College Tuition Is Going Up

Even if you get a positive credit approval from your college, you have to remember that the tuition, the cost of books, and the cost of housing will go up every year. This means that whoever is paying for your education will have to be aware that your education will be more expensive every year. So at the same time that the tuition is going up, the unemployment rate and other economic factors like bankruptcies and foreclosures are going up as well. This is why many students drop out of college in the first year and get jobs. They feel like it is better to work and make money than it is to waste more time on an education they will never finish.

But There Is A Lot Of Financial Aid Available

So in this kind of economic time, students with an uncertain financial future have to be more diligent when it comes to pursuing grant money that will pay for college tuition.  There are over 9 million students a year that receive college funds in the form of Pell Grants and Fullbright Scholarships - none of which has to be paid back. This kind of funding may not pay for your entire four years of college, but it can help you finish college and get your degree. So make sure to talk to a local school counselor or civic leader about grants in your area that may not be on the internet.

Remember this as well, you may be able to find a college or university that offers your degree, but at a less expensive rate of tuition. It may not be you first choice, but getting your college degree from any accredited university will give you more earning power in the long run.

See also:

Monday, April 23, 2018

Tips on How to Write a Scholarship Essay for College

Tips on How to Write a Scholarship Essay for College
Scholarships make it possible to go to college.
When you start to apply for scholarship money for college, the organization to which you are applying will always want an essay that explains why you deserve the scholarship money. This is a challenge, because your essay has to be professional, clear, and concise. So this puts a lot of pressure on students who have just taken senior English and aren't that great at writing until after they take a few college writing courses.

There are ways that you can make your essay sound better, though, without being a professional writer. 

The first thing to keep in mind is that usually an essay for a college scholarship is about a specific question. For example, the question may be "Why do you deserve this scholarship and what do plan to do once you graduate?" It is important to make sure that you answer the question specifically and not include any extraneous information. As well, you will want to make a final statement that summarizes the answer to the question you have been asked.

Your essay must also be original and true to what you really feel. 

Scholarship committees are looking for a person who is unique and voices their own opinion. Not someone who copies another person's work or whose situation is like many of the other applicants.

This means that you have to use your own individual voice to write your essay. 

A wise strategy is to apply for many scholarships and use the same individual voice on each application. While one organization might not like what you have to say, by applying to many scholarship committees, you have a better chance that you are the person that will receive a scholarship from someone who identifies with your original thoughts.

A final thought is that you should not use a lot of big words to impress someone. 

Remember that you are writing to professors and others who have a command of the English language and are not impressed when students use words they don't understand. Make your essay easy to read and authentic and you are much more likely to get your scholarship.

I know you can do it.

Tips on How to Write a Scholarship Essay for College

See also:

Monday, April 16, 2018

Getting More People To Read Your Writing

Getting more people to read your writing is easier than you might think. 

By doing something as simple as tightening up your writing, more people will be likely to read it.
That said, here are three improvements to your writing you can make right away:

Get Right To Point When You Write.

We tend to write long introductions and descriptions to make ourselves sound more intelligent, but this isn’t really necessary. Thanks to the internet, so many people are acclimated to so many different subjects, they are just looking for quick explanations. A long and wordy introduction will quickly lose their attention.

Be Brief When You Write.

There isn’t a need to draw anything out longer than it has to be. Short sentences and active voice are the best way to write. Short sentences make your writing points clearer and more organized for the reader. And writing in active voice gives your reader positive statements they can follow.
You can even go a step further and summarize your information into bullet points. Bullets points of information help people read faster and locate the information they are looking for quickly. Anything you can condense is helpful to the reader and will get you more followers if they can easily share it with others.

Be Specific When You Write.

More than anything, people like reading focused writing. If you can answer one single question thoroughly, you will have a reader for life. So make sure to limit each paragraph, page, and chapter to one specific topic and your writing will not only be much easier to follow but more enjoyable to read.
And again, many people read something because someone else tells them to read it. By making your writing specific, to the point, and summarized where possible, you will gain many more readers and followers. Simply because someone who likes your writing is passing it on to others.  

   I know you can do it.

See also:

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Scholarship Tips That Work To Get Your Education Funded

Scholarship Tips That Work To Get Your Education Funded
Your Graduation Is Already Paid For
Without a college scholarship or grant money, if you are a college student, you may find yourself struggling financially.  However, there isn't any need to go through financial hardship when there are thousands and thousands of different kinds of scholarships and grants available annually from many different sources. 

So once you find a scholarship or grant that suits your needs, you have to make sure that you have everything in place to get an approval.  Following, you will find some helpful advice that will give you a better chance at getting a scholarship if you apply for it.

1. The first thing to do when you are applying for scholarships and grants is to get organized. It is advised to set up a separate file and make sure that all of the applications and necessary information are all organized by deadlines. 

2. Make sure that you fill out the applications accurately and completely. Be honest about your accomplishments and make sure that while you want to show yourself in the best light, it is important not to exaggerate on your applications.

3. Always make sure to read the directions and follow them exactly. Incomplete applications, applications that are not filled out properly, and applications that do not include all of the necessary paperwork will be rejected. Not following the application instructions and not including all of the paperwork is the number one reason why scholarship applications are rejected.

4. Be aware of the deadlines for each application and mark them down on a calendar. Applications that arrive late is the next big reason why scholarship applications get rejected. Make sure to complete your applications far before the deadline and mail or email them early.

5. The best way to mail your applications is through registered mail or email. This way you will have proof that you have mailed the application on time and also who signed for it.

See also:          

Monday, April 2, 2018

Writing Books Isn’t As Hard As You May Be Making It

Writing a book takes a long time and a lot of effort, but you may be making it harder on yourself than you need to. So let’s look at three ways to make it easier for you to finish writing the book you are working on, or the one you want to start.

Writing A Book More Productively, Idea #1.

Your writing should be easy to follow, and tell an engaging story or give accurate information, but not much more than that.  If you try to make every sentence read like perfectly-worded prose, first of all, you will never finish writing your book. And second, if your book is too wordy, no one will enjoy reading it. Keep your sentences simple, serviceable, and conversational. You will not only finish writing your book faster, you will make it much easier for people to read.

Writing A Book More Productively, Idea #2.

If you get any spontaneous ideas, write them down and make them part of your story or book. A spontaneous idea is the natural writer in you coming to the surface. Even if the ideas don’t make sense at the time, these ideas may be just what you need to get you out of a future rut, keep your writing fresh, and keep it going.  

Writing A Book More Productively, Idea #3.

Don’t completely write your book without some feedback. Release a few pages here and there for some feedback (either in you blog or in a writer’s forum) to see what people think. You don’t want to finish a whole book without getting some feedback from some strangers, even if it turns out to be harsh. Remember, these same strangers are also a part of the buying public who buy books. And their reactions will give you some indication of what to expect when you release your book to the whole world to read.

   I know you can do it.

How To Write A Book

See also: