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As a digital advertising copywriter of ten years, I have written thousands of pages of content; including web pages, articles, press releases, books, blog posts, advertising copy, product reviews, and product descriptions. These pages are a sample of my work.

Saturday, March 31, 2018

7 Book Ideas You Can Use To Start Writing A Book

Book Ideas #1: Write about your photos.

A photo is worth a thousand words and it’s time you started writing about the selfies you have been taking. Write a whole book about a day of sadness or joy in your life and make it a best-selling memoir.

Book Ideas #2: Write about your acts of kindness.

If you are a giving person, you probably do a lot more for people than you realize. Take pictures and blog about other people’s stories, their triumphs, and setbacks. Give them some help, and then help yourself when you write a bestselling book about it.  

Book Ideas #3. Perform a social experiment.

Change your daily routine and see if anyone notices. Go to bed early for a month. Take a new way to work every day. Drastically change your wardrobe or hair color. Write it all down, especially if people treat you differently. You will then have a bestselling self-help book.

Book Ideas #4: Look for a different job.

Start scouring local job postings for a new line of work and chronicle your experience. You don’t have to take a new job, but if you did, it could be another best-selling book idea.

Book Ideas #5: Go on a weight-loss diet and write about what you experience.

If you have ever been on a weight-loss diet, you know there is plenty to write about. Go on the diet, record your experiences - including the withdrawal, the hunger, and your ultimate triumph or failure. Go to a weight-loss meeting and write about the people there. It will all make for a best-selling book.

Book Ideas #6: Write about a question someone asked you today.

Where are you from? What do you do? Are you seeing anyone? Are you married? Do you have children? Are you single? These are all questions we get asked every day and a humorous book about the answers could have you laughing all the way to the bank.

Book Ideas #7: Write about a dream you had.

We all have weird dreams, so write them down and then expand upon them. Make up a fictional character who is having these dreams and write a novel about why they are having them. If you make it intriguing enough, you will have a best-seller on your hands.

   I know you can do it.

See also:

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