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Sunday, March 4, 2018

Men's Basic Wardrobe Guide

Men's Basic Wardrobe Guide
A Man's Wardrobe Should Include One Nice Tie
If you are a guy, you probably already have the wardrobe basics: t-shirts, jeans, underwear, socks, and tennis shoes, but do you have the wardrobe essentials?  
Essentials are the pieces in your wardrobe that you need when you want to look your best – like when you go on a date, or a job interview, or to any formal occasion.  Every guy has their own style, but if your friends, family, or significant other doesn’t want to be seen with you in public, you may want to check out a few of these critical wardrobe items.


This may seem like an item that only guys who work in an office wear, but a sharp-looking suit is really important for every guy to have in his wardrobe.  It is needed for interviews, special occasions, dates, weddings, and funerals.  In other words, every time you need to be a man.  Don’t make yourself look like a chump.  Have at least one conservative suit in your closet.  If it’s really nice, you may be able to pair the suit jacket with some khakis to wear out on the weekend for dinner.


Every man needs at least one.  A really crisp white dress shirt will make you shine at interviews and social occasions.  However, its versatility lies in the fact that it can be worn casually, untucked and with rolled-up sleeves on the weekend.  Always keep a clean one in your closet and you will never be sorry.


They go with suits, they go with jeans, but most importantly, they go together.  Even for men, there is nothing worse than a mismatched belt and shoes.  It doesn’t matter what style, buy some black dress shoes and a black belt and you can go anywhere.  Please note:  This is not an item to skimp on – there is nothing worse than a seeing a guy wear cheap black shoes.   



All of your jeans can be ripped, faded, and headed for the rag bin, but keep one pair of new looking straight-leg jeans and you can get away with wearing them a lot more places than you might think.


Really. This sweater is great way to liven up a plain dress shirt and khakis, but it also goes over a t-shirt and jeans to make them look more formal.    


Even if you are a professional with lots of ties, the only thing most people notice about them is what you spill on them at lunch. Buy ordinary ties for work, etc., but buy one really nice silk tie for special occasions. Don’t go for something crazy, you just want a dash of color to let everyone know you cared enough to dress up for the event.


A really nice black leather car coat looks good everywhere you want to go.  It goes right over business suits and other work attire; but on the weekends, it’s great for football games, dates, and night clubs. The black leather car coat is a great investment, and probably the most versatile coat you will ever own.

So don’t think that you have to go out and buy a lot of different clothes to look nice all of the time.  If you invest in the few essentials that you need to look good, most everything else in your wardrobe will start looking good too.       

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