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As a digital advertising copywriter of ten years, I have written thousands of pages of content; including web pages, articles, press releases, books, blog posts, advertising copy, product reviews, and product descriptions. These pages are a sample of my work.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Getting More People To Read Your Writing

Getting more people to read your writing is easier than you might think. 

By doing something as simple as tightening up your writing, more people will be likely to read it.
That said, here are three improvements to your writing you can make right away:

Get Right To Point When You Write.

We tend to write long introductions and descriptions to make ourselves sound more intelligent, but this isn’t really necessary. Thanks to the internet, so many people are acclimated to so many different subjects, they are just looking for quick explanations. A long and wordy introduction will quickly lose their attention.

Be Brief When You Write.

There isn’t a need to draw anything out longer than it has to be. Short sentences and active voice are the best way to write. Short sentences make your writing points clearer and more organized for the reader. And writing in active voice gives your reader positive statements they can follow.
You can even go a step further and summarize your information into bullet points. Bullets points of information help people read faster and locate the information they are looking for quickly. Anything you can condense is helpful to the reader and will get you more followers if they can easily share it with others.

Be Specific When You Write.

More than anything, people like reading focused writing. If you can answer one single question thoroughly, you will have a reader for life. So make sure to limit each paragraph, page, and chapter to one specific topic and your writing will not only be much easier to follow but more enjoyable to read.
And again, many people read something because someone else tells them to read it. By making your writing specific, to the point, and summarized where possible, you will gain many more readers and followers. Simply because someone who likes your writing is passing it on to others.  

   I know you can do it.

See also:

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