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Wednesday, January 10, 2018

10 Reasons To Read A Self-Help Book

Self-help Book
The Right Self-help Book Can Make A Difference
If you are like most people, you are turned off by self-help books with a sunny “I can do it!” way of thinking. The first thing you have to think is, “Has this person ever lived in the real world?” These kinds of self help books can be a real turn off, especially if you have already tried some of the things in them that simply don’t work in real life situations.

For example, if you are holding down a job that really stinks while you try to go to school, or you have been unemployed for a few months, there isn’t really a whole lot that “turning a negative into a positive” will do for you.

However, thanks to online booksellers, there are a lot of different kinds of self help books out there that are aimed more at the real world. When you read these more realistic books, you may not change your life, but you will pick up some pointers that can keep you from completely going over the edge. 

That being said, here are ten different reasons why you should read a current self-help book:

1. You will find at least one thing that you can do differently that will improve your life. 
Let’s face it, you may not read the whole book, but the fact of the matter is that you don’t have to. If you even get one thing that you can do differently, like learn how to save money for example, your life can completely change.

2. You will find a few words of encouragement just when you need them. Right now, you may not find a lot of people in your life who believe in you. A self help book, on the other hand, believes that you can do anything if you set your mind to it.

3. You will discover one resource that you hadn’t thought of before. A self help book will have resources listed that you can use that may be local or may be online where you can get more information or help.

4. You will read about someone who is like you and changes their life around for the better. You may think you are the only one with problems, but it is guaranteed that a self help book will have a person that is far worse off than you and still got their life together.

5. A self-help book will cheer you up for at least an hour. Reading a book is like an escape that can take you to a different world. In the case of a self help book, you are going to a place where you are successful. Enjoy!

6. A self help book may come with a seminar. There may be a seminar where the author of the book is speaking. If you like the book, you will love hearing the author speak in person.

7. As self help book will get you thinking in a different direction. A self help books provides you with many other ways to think, other than the thoughts you have right now, which may possibly be responsible for your current situation.

8. A self help book provides a different point of view. Where you see disaster and failure, a self help book sees hope and change. At least give positive thinking a try and see what happens. You may be surprised. 

9. A self help book doesn’t judge you. Everyone around you may think that you are wrong, but a self help book sees you as misunderstood. A self help book is on your side when others aren’t.

10. A self help book is free or almost free. There are now so many self help books at the library and online that will cost you little or nothing to read. This is much cheaper than anything else that you have been trying to make you happy.  

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