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Stay Calm With Meditation |
Losing control of your emotions and actions is becoming more
and common as our society and our technology moves faster and faster. Many
times, we can’t keep up with the brisk pace at which things happen (especially
with the overuse of mobile phones and the internet) and this rapid exchange of
ideas and information can cause anyone to lose their cool and have an immediate
panic attack.
If you have ever had one of those days where everything
converges on you all at once, then you understand the need to stay calm in
panic-type situations. And if you feel panicky all of the time, then you are
not alone. Many people these days are overwhelmed with the speed of life. That
being said, here are 10 ways to stay calm during the day.
1. Turn off your mobile phone.
Don’t be available to everyone at all times. If you let
yourself be available on your mobile phone 24/7 then people will take advantage
of that. This means that stress can come into your life at any time. If you
need a moment when you want to be calm, turn off your phone.
2. Count to ten.
It’s the oldest trick in the book, but this is because it really works.
Counting to ten is an exercise that calms you down and keeps you from making
impulsive decisions that can make your problems even worse.
3. Meditate daily.
You may have never meditated before, but meditating daily calms you down and
will help you sleep better. A simple meditation is just to stare at a fixed
object (like a candle) and clear your mind of everything. Do this for about
five minutes a day and you will feel much calmer.
4. Take deep breaths.
deep breathes will force you to relax in any situation where you feel you are
about to panic. Breathe all the way into your gut and hold it for a few seconds
- then release it slowly for an instant calm.
5. Sit down.
you are in an extremely intense situation and you are standing, things can only
escalate. Sitting down is immediately calming and has a calming effect on
everyone else as well.
6. Chew some mint gum or pop a mint.
Mint has an immediately calming effect, and it isn’t as easy
to say something you will regret when your mouth if full of candy.
7. Take a walk.
you are in a situation that is upsetting and looks like it might escalate, take
a walk. A brisk walk is calming and lets you clear your head. It also gives you
time to organize your thoughts and think logically about a situation.
8. Pray.
You may
not be religious, but there is no reason that you can’t call on a higher power
to help you think clearly and calmly. Prayer is the oldest form of meditation
and has an immediate calming effect. As
well, you can pray anywhere.
9. Exercise regularly.
Taking a walk will help you immediately calm down, but regular exercise is a
better alternative. This is because you
need physical activity to release the stress that builds up every day. If you
don’t’ release the stress in your life, it will eventually accumulate and cause
you to lose your cool.
10. Eat healthier and
get rest.
Eating right and getting rest isn’t something that many people
think is possible. However, think about the alternative. Eating poorly and
drinking too much caffeine will cause an otherwise normal situation to seem
overwhelming because you are so physically stressed. This will eventually cause
you to lose control, which can cause even more problems. Taking the time to eat
right and rest is the best thing that you can do to make yourself calm on a
more ongoing basis.
See also: writeyourselfrich.net
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