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As a digital advertising copywriter of ten years, I have written thousands of pages of content; including web pages, articles, press releases, books, blog posts, advertising copy, product reviews, and product descriptions. These pages are a sample of my work.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

10 Ways To De-stress By Doing Less

10 Ways To De-stress By Doing Less
Take Your Life Back By Doing Less

Ever feel like you are over-committed to way too many things? 

Then you probably are. If you feel like you are running 24 hours a day and still don’t get everything done - or never have any time for yourself - then you are committed to too many activities. Doing less will de-stress, so here are ten ways that you can de-stress by doing just that:

1. Just say no.

Whenever someone asks you to do something that you don’t have time for, start saying no. Chances are, if you are feeling stressed out from doing too many things, you say yes to too many people. Start saying no. It will feel strange at first, and people will insist that you help them, but say no more often and you will feel less stress with fewer responsibilities.

2. Stop doing things that don’t make any sense.

If a weekly movie night, a book club or a bowling league has become more of a hassle than relaxing, stop going. If at the end of a long day, you feel like curling up at home with the television instead of going out, stay home to relax.

3. Pay someone else to do things like household chores.

If there are teenagers or retired persons in your neighborhood that can mow the lawn, clean the house, babysit, make dinner, or do the laundry for a small fee, let them.

4. Organize your workplace.

If there is a quicker way to do something at work, figure it out. The more organized at work you are, the less stressed out you will be. Also, being able to multitask at work makes you a better employee, which also takes stress away.

5. If you can delegate at work, do it.

If you ever get the chance to have an intern or someone else at work to help you, take advantage of it. You can do this by being organized. If you are organized, then you know exactly what work you can give someone else to do before your boss finds other work for them.

6. Don’t take work home.

These days, everyone has to work overtime and do multiple jobs. However, if you are always volunteering to do more, it will catch up with you in a bad way. Not only will you be exhausted, but you will quickly find out that no one appreciates the extra work you are doing above and beyond the call of duty.

7. Make your family more independent.

You can’t do everything for your family and remain sound of mind. Gradually wean them off of your help, however this is possible. If something doesn’t get done for them they will have to live without it or eventually do it for themselves.

8. Get rid of codependent friends.

It sounds harsh, but if you have friends in your life that simply can’t make a move without you, they have to go. Your family and your job should always come first, and in that order. Tell everyone else to take a number, in a polite way of course.

9. Clean Out Your House.

If your house is cluttered, so is your life. Get rid of everything you haven’t used in a year and either have a garage sale or donate it to charity. This includes exercise equipment, old clothing and toys, home improvement supplies, and other useless junk. It will be easier to clean your house and you won’t feel guilty anymore about all of the things you were never going to do, anyway.

10. Just say no.

Yes I am repeating this advice, but so should you. Saying no is a hard thing to do, but it is much easier to say no in the first place than to drive yourself crazy saying yes to all the things that stress you out to the point of having a panic attack.  

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